Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Holy Cow its been almost 6 months

Wow where did the time go? I just realized that Jackson is almost 1/2 way through is 1st year. What an adventure it has been so far...a blessed one!!!
Justin and I are still in complete amazement on the beauties that parenthood bring to us each day! (Some days more so than others!)
Jackson does rule the house and has complete hold of our hearts...for the time being we are fine with this! As for Zoie and Eta, well they are wondering how long he is planning on staying I think! Just kidding, the girls have adapted to their new brother quite nicely; as expected.

Eta and Zoie continue to get up with me to go and check on Jackson during the night when he cries and stays in his room at my feet while I feed him, just how Eta use to get up with me when I was pregnant to go to the bathroom every few hours. I remember she use to look at me with those sweet puppy dog eyes, like "Momma what is going on?!?!?" They are so sweet and are very interested in him and his noises. It was funny the 1st time we took them in the car with Jackson, Zoie peaked over the seat and looked at Jackson and he just cracked up. It is really neat to think that no matter what Jackson will have 2 little buddies through out his childhood. I cannot wait to see how loyal Eta is to him once we start feeding him in the high chair, she is in for a real treat I think! Zoie on the other hand won't know what is going on as she will be jumping aound the she is part kangaroo you know!

Any who back to Jackson!

We are still trying to figure out the acid reflux that he was diagnosed with. We have him on Nexium and are trying to get the dosage adjusted to his weight.
At the GI appointment last Friday (June 12, 2009) he was 18 lbs and 3 oz and was 28 inches long. So my mother broke that down for me and pointed out that he has grown an inch a month!!!! It just amazes me how fast it really does go. Justin and I still joke with each other that we don't know what the fuss is all about that he is still the same size as he was when we brought him home from the hospital! I wish and so does my back!
Speaking of backs...I have 2 herniated disks in my back my L4 and L5. We went to a back and spine specialist last week and are waiting for the treatments to begin. He prescribed 4 weeks of physical therapy and some Facet spine injections. I guess they are pretty painless and seem to give instant relief. I am hoping to start my 1st round on Wednesday June 17. Just in time before we head back east to see Grandpa and Grandma Hayes.

Jackson had his first trip to the cabin over Memorial day. I won't lie...we think he hated it. He cried through the night and wanted to be held the whole time. He would just look around at the ceiling like "... where in the world am I?" He is very aware of his surroundings and is very observant. We had him in a pack-n-play to sleep, maybe just maybe he is a little high maintenance like his father (not me of course) and wanted to sleep in a real bed because he never slept!
We thought maybe the altitude was bothering his ears and feared that he had an ear infection. So the next week after our weekend get away Grandma brought him in to the Dr and they confirmed NOTHING was wrong. We decided that he just didn't like the cabin experience nor sleeping in a pack-n-play!
I guess it is true that being a mother does make you a little crazy because I got the wild idea that we should truck it back up the mountain and try the cabin experience AGAIN. So I checked with Justin and made sure he didn't have anything on the calendar...such as 18 holes of golf. He was open I was open, the weather is getting hot so we decided we should try and go back up there. Mom and Dad were surprised when I told them that we would be joining them for the weekend. So we went back up....June 12th, 13th and 14th and he was perfect! He loved the cabin, he was very calm and relaxed and really seemed to enjoy looking out at the forest and hear the wind blow in the trees, it was PERFECT. But then again it could have something to do with the fact that Grandma and Grandpa STILL continue to spoil him and bought him a crib for the cabin!!!!
When we finally got up to the cabin late on Friday night Dad and Justin put together Jackson's crib and he slept until 4:45am...I was impressed. The crib did the trick!

Jackson likes to be held so he can look all around, like I said earlier he is very observant, earlier this week Justin wore his glasses, for some reason Jackson didn't like this because when Justin would talk to him he would just scream. When Justin would take off his glasses he was fine and would smile and coo.

He rolls from his tummy to his back and from his back to tummy. Grandma already lowered his crib at he house as yesterday (June 16, 2009) when she was in his room she saw him putting his hand over the rail and pulling on it. He is getting very strong, I am sure it will not be long before he will be able to pull himself up and waiving at us when we go in his room to check on him.

I am sure I will have more to add later, I will make more of a point to not go so long between entries although there are not guarantees!

Photos to come....